Positive messages
Seven Seas have been producing Cod Liver Oil capsules for decades and generations have benefited from their good influence on health in elder years.
9 out of 10 people recommend this product to others due to it’s positive influence on sustaining healthy heart, brain, vision and an added Vitamin D helps sustain the healthy bones.
This positive information have become the base for art direction of their online campaign that was to raise awareness, encourage regular purchases and daily usage of this health supplement.

Idea development
The way the oil capsules look, and could become components in creating images, typography. The golden colour, see-through nature of those elements, helped enhancing positivity of the messages.
Three routes designed to raise awareness, encourage regular purchases as well as daily usage were the basis of creating simple messages made out of the pills.
Designing Interativity
Seamless approach to app design.
Digital Dashboard
Creating a personal digital experience
Vital communication on the small scale.